Leather and Fur Boots

Leather and Fur Boots
Autumn/Winter 1998-1999
Size: 26.5 cm / 8.5 US men
No composition tag
Outsole length: 12" / 30.5 cm
Outsole width: 4.5" / 12 cm
Height: 9" / 23 cm
Insole length: 10.25" / 26 cm (approximately)
sold out
Leather and fur boots from 20471120, Autumn/Winter 1998-1999. Easily one of their most unique, beautiful, and recognizable collections. Heavy duty but oddly comfortable. They look amazing. The ski boot version like this is rare to find. While the leather of the boot is damaged, the fur covers it all and the interior is in great condition. Take note that the leather is extremely good quality and it is some of the softest I've touched.