
Yohji Yamamoto, Spring/Summer 1991


Yohji Yamamoto
Spring/Summer 1991


Yohji Yamamoto Collections

Yamamoto & Yohji
Published by Rizzoli

In search of new volumes for the body. Lines swerve under the effect of braided additions and twisted compositions. Polka-dot dresses mingle with Erte, given dynamism by trainers. The imposing flamboyance of coloured bead “scarves” dramatises the black.


The Tokyo Collections Spring-Summer ’91

February 1991
High Fashion No.202
Photography by Shin Shin, Shinji Mitsuno, Hiroyuki Tachibana (B.P.B.), and Osamu Yokonami (B.P.B.)


From the strict pursuit of cutting until to now, he has shifted to light tailoring that makes the most of the characteristics of fabrics. Most of the fabrics used for white tablier dresses, lace dresses, simple slip dresses, and white trimmed dresses worn over black bodysuits and tied together are cotton. The three-dimensional dresses, which are made of fabrics tucked and bound together, take on a completely new form. Dozens of layered necklaces also made an appearance this time.


Tokyo, Paris, Milan, New York, All of the ’91 Spring/Summer Collections: Ladies’

Fashion Yearbook Vol.7
Published by Magazine House Mook
Written by Hisako Sunohara



In pursuit of cutting, the designer destroys lines that are the reverse of the structured clothing of the past.


As if tired of structuring, he introduced clothes and tabliers connected by loops and layered over black bodysuits. It showed the reverse line from his previous attitude of pursuing form. The use of decorations made of the same material as the dresses, beaded necklaces, etc., was remarkable.

  • 柔らかなドレスの、ボリュームたっぷりの装飾に、会場から拍手が。

  • ボディスーツに重ねたレースは、ストラップでつないだ形のない服。

  • 紙細工のような立体的なドレス。これもボディタイツに重ねて。

  • The audience applauded the soft dress's voluminous embellishment.

  • Lace layered over the bodysuit is a shapeless garment connected by straps.

  • A three-dimensional dress that looks like paperwork. This was also layered over body tights.

  • みせかけの重ね着にアンバランスの打ち合わせ。とぎすまされた美しさ。

  • 白とベージュの上品な組み合わせは、異素材超ミニなどでくずして。

  • 今シーズンのテクニックを皮革ひもでドレスに。絶品

  • An unbalanced combination of pretense layering. The beauty of the dress is refined.

  • The elegant combination of white and beige is broken up with a supermini made of a different material.

  • This season's technique is used with leather straps as a dress. Exquisite!

  • プレーンな服に、透明のビーズをぎっしりと。キュロットの丈は長め。

  • 細いストラップのロングベストの重ね着。上品なグレーの濃淡で。

  • レースの美しさを最大にアピールするかのようなシンプルなドレス。

  • Plain clothes are filled with transparent beads. Culottes are long.

  • Long vest layers with thin straps. In an elegant shade of gray.

  • A simple dress that seems to maximize the beauty of the lace.



Yohji Yamamoto: Talking to Myself
Published by Steidl/Carla Sozzani


Archives Yohji Yamamoto Paris Women’s Collection 1981-’82 Autumn/Winter - 2014 Spring/Summer

All About Yohji Yamamoto from 1968
Published by Bunka Publishing Bureau


Mode Prêt-à-Porter Printemps-Eté 1991
Getty Images
Photography by Daniel Simon


Unknown Source