

A.A.R Autumn/Winter 1997-98 Advertisement Campaign

December 1997
MR. High Fashion No.83
Photography by Eline Mugaas
Art direction by Young Kim
Modeling by Young Kim


Yohji Yamamoto Conceptual Brands for Suits, Ties and Eyewear

October 1998
MR. High Fashion No.86
Interview and text by Nobuko Kojima



Yohji Yamamoto's conceptual brand.

Yohji Yamamoto has led an era of creation with ideas and designs that go far beyond existing concepts of clothing. His creativity and firm philosophy are expressed in the Paris Collections for women and men, which introduce new ideas every season, but his philosophy also permeates business suits, glasses, ties, and other accessories that are created under the constraints of society.

The basics of A.A.R.


01 本誌'92年11月号では、くしくも今回のセッションに登場した永瀬正敏を起用。/02 新聞広告にもなった、一列に並ぶビジネスチェアとジャケットのシンプルかつ大胆な構図。/03 本誌'93年4月号で再び永瀬正敏登場。/04 「新宿ジャック」と話題を呼んだ、駅ばりのボード広告。/05 天本英世の存在感が圧倒的だった新聞の全面広告。/06 '95年4月号の本誌ニューヨーク・ロケでアート・リンゼイがA.A.Rを実にスタイリッシュに着こなした。/07 スリムなスーツを田辺誠一で。本誌'95年6月号。/08 フランスの俳優、ジャンクレティアン・シベルタンブランはノーネクタイで粋に。本誌'96年6月号。/09 ドイルがアンソニー・ウォンをモデルに撮影。/10、11 「スーツマン」をテーマに、ナイキのCMなどで知られるアメリカのヤン・キムにADを依頼。モデルとしても登場。

Debuting in Autumn/Winter ’92-’93, A.A.R. developed a new image of manhood in magazines, advertisements, etc

01 The November 1992 issue of this magazine featured Masatoshi Nagase, who coincidentally also appeared this season. / 02 A simple yet bold composition of business chairs and jackets lined up in a row, as seen in a newspaper ad. / 03 In the April 1993 issue of this magazine, Masatoshi Nagase appeared again. / 04 The "Shinjuku Jack" advertisement that became a hot topic, a station billboard advertisement. / 05 A full-page newspaper ad in which Hideyo Amamoto's presence was overwhelming. / 06 In the April 1995 issue of this magazine, Arto Lindsay wore A.A.R. in a really stylish way on location in New York. / 07 Slim suit with Seiichi Tanabe. June 1995 issue of this magazine. / 08 French actor Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc looks chic without a tie. June 1996 issue of this magazine. / 09 Doyle photographed Anthony Wong as a model. / 10,11 Under the theme of “Suitman,” they commissioned American Young Kim, known for his Nike commercials, to be the AD. He also appeared as a model.









How contemporary and conservative is it?

"Young businessmen say they want to wear something other than the old-fashioned salaryman's suit. But if you look at what has been going on for the past few years, they are just wearing famous brands and their copies as if they are wearing a uniform. The situation has not changed much in the sense that people feel reassured by things that are the same as other people. I think we have seen a slight increase in type classifications and factions," says Yohji Yamamoto. In this context, A.A.R., which aims to create clothing that is not factionalized and suits the look of the individual, stands out in its own unique way. Co-produced by Yohji Design Studio and D'URBAN, it is a total-wear brand centered around suits, and its participation in the business scene was a sensational topic of conversation. At the time of the announcement in 1992, he responded as follows: "Those who opted for designer-brand clothes have no clothes when they enter the controlled society of the corporate workplace. Then it is our responsibility to make them."

The kind of suits people arriving in their twenties should get first was in mind. The concept of "new standard clothes" refers to proposing the most basic garments. The reason for daring to stick to the basics is because few people in their 20s know about them. "In Japan, there is no education in family customs, sentiment, and hobbies, and in other words, there are good things that will disappear as time goes by, so being suddenly confronted with trends without being taught them is like fighting unprotected without training. What I'm saying is that these clothes follow the rules and don’t violate any rules, so that no one can complain." His original collection shocked people in the Western cultural sphere precisely because it was a counterattack based on thorough research into the structure of Western clothing and tailored clothing. He knows exactly what to take from tradition and what to discard.

Although these are basic, everyday clothes, they breathe and express a sense of freedom. The new sizes also reflect the changing body shape of men in their 20s, who are taller and slimmer than before. The product lineup is simple, with tailored jackets or V collars, one-tuck or two-tuck wide pants, and very orthodox materials such as gabardine, flannel, Venetian, and Saxony. Even the faintest hint of Y's was eliminated. "There are timely moods, aren't there? Some are better in thicker styles, others in thinner styles, and others with high or low first buttons. A.A.R. changes with the times, but keeps the basics in line. As a suit, it's about how contemporary and conservative it is. Depending on the person, it may look classic, or it may look individualistic." However, by using individual items and combining them with knitwear, shirts, and other peripheral items, you can freely express your own style, from casual to business. The more you wear it, the more the taste of the material deepens and a sense of unity is created. That is enough. Because why would a suit need to be extremely assertive? "There are often Americans and Europeans who wear strange combinations of top and bottom, flashy blue striped shirts, and green ties. Then there are those who wear orthodox dark suits and western boots. If you ask me to say something about these people, I can't find the words" A.A.R. shows its true colors just in time without floating away or being buried.

Rebel with a righteous heart.

During a conversation with Beat Takeshi, the editor apparently said something like, "Young people have a future, but Takeshi and Yohji's generation has no future." "He said, no kidding, we have more of a future. Whether you have a future or not is a matter of predisposition, not age. I think how you have been bullied up until now, and how much frustration you have built up, will determine your reaction to the future. People today don't know heart-wrenching pain, but because they have good intuition, they can see something on the other side of the path that has been prepared for them. I think there are a lot of people who don't like it. So, it's like, for now, I'll just follow the old man." For those who wear A.A.R, Yohji Yamamoto may be like the playboy uncles who used to be around a lot: he was into literature, devoted himself to his lessons, and did what he liked freely, which earned him a bad reputation among his relatives, but he was an uncle that everyone looked up to. He says that he feels heartbroken when he comes into contact with young people. He can't help but think, "Living is such a difficult thing, and yet you guys are still here. I've done a lot now and it's become easier for me." At the very least, he wants to cheer them up with clothes. That it's okay to show more personality.

"As with the photos of Christopher Doyle and Nagase, the starting point of an A.A.R. campaign is a tale of villains, a lineage of outlaws. Rebel with a righteous heart. That's what makes it different from punk. Punk is about crying in your youth, and being an outlaw is about continuing to rebel for the rest of your life. According to ancient patterns, they are aware of their evil side. They suffer from a certain amount of anguish. So to a certain extent, they discipline themselves in certain areas and settle in their behaviors and way of life. Business suits are worn in organizations and hierarchies where one should not have an awareness of their evil side. But it's okay for people to have the heart of an outlaw or a stranger." In today's society, where reorganization is underway, this is more likely to be expected.

"Large companies around the world feel that they will become outdated if they continue as they are, and that the only way to do this is to subdivide, recruit talented people, and establish creative business departments." His words from five years ago, that through A.A.R, the conventions of the traditional business world would be gradually dismantled, seem almost prophetic. It changes the inside of the wearer and the outside as well.