6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto



Presented on June 1, 1991



Invitation Card for 6·1 THE MEN

Drawing by Saeko Tsuemura
Design by Hisao Sugiura
Based on the invitation card for Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme, Autumn/Winter 1991-1992


Pamphlet for 6·1 THE MEN

Design by Inoue Tsuguya


6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto

Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto

日本のファッションを代表し、世界のファッション界に強い影響力を持つデザイナー、川久保玲(コム デ ギャルソン)、山本耀司(ヨウジ ヤマモト)。


彼ら二人は、伝統的な美学を守り続けているデザイナー達や ファッション先進国の欧米ジャーナリズムに衝撃の一打を与えた。


そして1991年2月、中東戦争が始まって緊張がビークに達した中で、 コム デ ギャルソンとヨウジ ヤマモトのメンズコレクションは、それまでと同じようにごく自然に開催された。それは、「ファッション、 クリエーションの自由は平和の象徴」であることを無言のうちに表現することとなった。彼らのメンズの服に対する明快なコンセプトは、それぞれ個性的な男達が着ることによってさらに強調され、新しい生き方の男の姿を鮮やかに映し出して感動的なショウとなった。




Rei Kawakubo (Comme des Garçons) and Yohji Yamamoto (Yohji Yamamoto) are designers who represent Japanese fashion and have a strong influence on the world of fashion.

When Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto debuted in Paris in 1981, they caused a great sensation with their "shock from the East."

The duo struck a chord with designers who had been holding on to traditional aesthetics, as well as with Western journalism in the fashion-forward world.

Their impact on fashion history is significant, and their keen eye and activities have not wavered during the past decade as they continue to stand at the pinnacle of their field. Their originality and new sense of values are a unique style that is neither Western nor Eastern, and their spirit, which transcends both the avant-garde and conservatism, appeals to us each season with something new. We can even see in them a way of life as true creators that goes beyond mere fashion.

In February 1991, at a time when tensions reached a peak with the outbreak of war in the Middle East, the Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto menswear shows took place as naturally as ever. It was a silent statement that "freedom of fashion and creation is a symbol of peace." Their clear conception of men's clothing was further emphasized by the fact that every man wore unique pieces that vividly reflected a new way of life for men, making for a very moving show.

The Paris menswear shows of these two designers were brought together and presented in Japan for the first time.

We hope you will be able to sense their powerful message that goes beyond mere clothing design.

June 1, 1991


Yohji Yamamoto Collections: Yohji Yamamoto 6.1 THE MEN, June 1st, 1991, Tokyo

Yamamoto & Yohji
Published by Rizzoli


6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto

August 1991
Ryuko Tsushin No.334
Photography by Justin Creedy Smith


Saturday, June 1st. Japan's first joint men's collection between Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto was held at a special indoor pool venue in Sendagaya. Just as in the show held in Paris this spring, men with rich personalities appeared in both of their clothes, presenting us with a new image of a man.

ショウのスタートは、コム・デ・ギャルソンからだった。ミュージシャンのジョン・ルーリーが、ハーモニカを吹きながら身体をくねらせ気味に登場すると観客席がどよめき、 次に大きな拍手が湧き起こった。珍しいことだ。プレスとバイヤーを中心とした普段のショウと違い、このショウはごく一般の人々を招いてのもの。だから、反応が素直でダイレクトなようだ。ルーリーに続きハリウッドの素敵な不良中年デニス・ホッパー監督兼俳優が登場すると、拍手が一層大きく鳴り響き、そこに〝ウォーッ!〟といった驚嘆の唸りや、〝イエーッ!〟という歓声が混じった。とてもストレートな観客のリアクションに、長いランウェイを端から端まで歩いて戻ってくるルーリーもはにかみ、デニスもまた照れて笑っていた。プロのモデルの笑顔ではない。まして、そのどことなくぎこちない歩き方は、まるでプロのものとは違う。しかし、ルーリーの微笑み、デニスの小走りだったからこそよかった。素敵な素人のモデルは次々に登場した。予め配られたパンフレットのモデル・クレジットを確認しながら、誰が誰だかを知ろうと試みるが、それとわかったのは、恥ずかしいことに、ジュリアン・サンズだけ。ヨウジのショウでは、もっと誰が誰だかわからなくなった。細野晴臣と高橋幸宏、そしてエドガー・ウィンターはわかった。残りの人々は観客の拍手とどよめきから察すると、誰もがミュージシャンなり、何なり、それ相応の人物らしいのだが⋯⋯しかし、それはどうでもよいことだった。彼らの持つ生き生きとした存在感が、不思議と伝わってきたから。


The show started with Comme des Garcons. When musician John Lurie appeared on stage, twisting and turning while playing the harmonica, the audience erupted in applause, followed by a round of applause. This was unusual. Unlike the usual shows that are mainly for press and buyers, this show was for the general public. That's why the reaction seems to be honest and direct. When Lurie was followed by the appearance of Hollywood's lovely middle-aged delinquent director and actor Dennis Hopper, the applause rang out even louder, mixed with groans of astonishment such as "Wow!" and cheers of "Yeah!" The reaction from the audience was so straightforward that Lurie, walking from one end of the long runway back to the other, looked shy, and Dennis also smiled shyly. This is not the smile of a professional model. And the somewhat awkward way he walked was nothing like a professional. However, it was Lurie's smile and Dennis's short walk that made it all the better. The nice amateur models appeared one after another. I tried to figure out who was who by checking the model credits on the pamphlet handed out beforehand, but the only one I recognized was, embarrassingly, Julian Sands. At Yohji's show, I had even more trouble figuring out who was who. I did recognize Haruomi Hosono, Yukihiro Takahashi, and Edgar Winter. The rest of them, I guessed from the applause and groans of the audience, were all musicians or something, or they all seemed to be someone in their own right… But it didn't matter, because I could feel their lively presence.

Before I knew it, the exciting and moving show had ended. After a while, I was trying to remember what the models were wearing, and I realized something. Even though it was a fashion show, I wasn't actually looking at the fashion! What I was looking at were men who were asserting their strong presence through the Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto clothes they were wearing. Were the clothes less impressive? No, they were not. It was the opposite. The clothes made them shine more like themselves. Yes, the presence of the men was synchronized with that of Comme des Garcons and Yohji Yamamoto.





1991年6月1日、東京の千駄ヶ谷の明治神宮プールに多数の人が集まった。この日、コム・デ・ギャルソン&ヨージヤマモトのジョイント・コレクション「6.1THE MEN」が開催されたのだ。モデルとして登場した著名な人達。会場は興奮の坩堝と化した。

COMME des GARÇONS HOMME PLUS Collection in Japan for the First Time

On June 1, 1991, a large number of people gathered at the Meiji Jingu swimming pool in Sendagaya, Tokyo. On that day, the joint collection "6.1 THE MEN" by Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto was held. Prominent people appeared as models. The venue became a crucible of excitement.


6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto
What Happened on?

September 1991
MR. High Fashion No.54
Photography by Taishi Hirokawa, Yasuo Matsumoto, and Hiroyuki Tachibana

musician (singer)

’59年4月29日、イギリス生れ。コマーシャルのフォトグラファーとして世に出た彼は、現在ミュージシャンとして「WALK ON THE WILD SIDE」というアルバムを発表。

Jamie Morgan
musician (singer)

Born in England on April 29, 1959. He started his career as a commercial photographer and is now a musician, releasing an album called "WALK ON THE WILD SIDE."

musician (bassist)


Phillip Butcher
musician (bassist)

Born in England on May 15, 1958. He has a rich background in bands, primarily as a bassist. He is also a talented songwriter, producer, and engineer. He came to Japan in April 1987 to perform in Iggy Pop's '86-'87 world tour.







Makoto Saeki

First, it was John Lurie who jumped out to open the show. The same man who used to boast saying "I shut myself up in my room all day to play the saxophone, I'm a hermit," was the one who jumped out at the avant-garde. Indeed, he was walking like a hermit, like a lizard slowly crawling and waving its neck. Those who know how rigorous John Lurie can be with the job he chooses cannot help but be impressed by his entrance.

From this point on, it was like fierce animals jumping out one after the other. I was not going to be an immigration inspector trying to find out from where they were from and what were their purpose. They were simply men wholeheartedly delighted to be born and living their only life on this earth. The avant-garde jazz trumpeter Don Cherry walked swaying like he was drunk and eventually had to sit down. Dennis Hopper proceeded to walk out as if he were walking on sacred ground, with the serenity that only a man who had been through Hell could have.

The men passed each other as they walked, exchanging glances, hugging shoulders, and fraternizing as to spare a brief farewell. It was a wonderful sight. There wasn’t a single unscathed nor easygoing guy in the line-up. They were all standing by themselves, without any weapons in hands, fighting a dubious battle against the entire world. It didn’t matter if you were famous or not. No matter who jumped on stage, there was no objection. It was a place where men were just fighting for their dignity and freedom.

That Sunday morning, the men looked like shy teenagers trying to accommodate themselves with their brand new clothing. All of them were moving in their own way, blending their clothing into their movements and performing an awkward dance in an attempt to somehow rapidly make it their own. It was a rough ritual for men to become best friend with their clothes.

Fashion will no longer be in fashion anymore—or so it seems. Spit on being forced to wear the same clothes and live the same way. Live apart from the herd. Live your life as an egoist with your whole body and soul. And survive no matter what. That's what the outfits are screaming. No, that's what I was screaming at the world that day.

musician (singer, guitarist)


Edgar Winter
musician (singer, guitarist)

Edgar Winter moves forward like the wind, and his fearless demeanor reveals a naivety and delicacy that cannot be hidden. The slightly bewildered look on his face was, I believe, a reflection of the artist's unique sensibility.

actor, director


Dennis Hopper
actor, director

As Dennis Hopper energetically paced back and forth across the stage, there was a large door on the stage that looked like he was about to open it and walk out. His eyes, mindful to the left and right with the dignity of a boss, seemed to be repeating polite nods to the audience.

musician (saxophonist), actor


John Lurie
musician (saxophonist), actor

An incorrigible individualist, John Lurie has always been private. It's no different on stage. He simply walks about and sways provoking no one, but it is impossible not to be moved by his thin, light, and empty presence in a way that cannot help but evoke a completely new emotion in the viewer.

musician (trumpeter)

actor, musician


〝I'm a world musician〟ドン・チェリー。






去年の二月には、リベレーション・ミュージック・オーケストラというジャズオーケストラの一員として来日し、すばらしいステージを見せてくれた。このオーケストラはおのおの活躍しているミュージシャンたちが時々集まって、社会的メッセージを強く打ち出した曲ばかりを演奏するオーケストラ。その時、一人ずつソロをやったんだけど、ドン・チェリーは順番も何もない、突然、立ち上がってソロを短く吹くとパッと座ったり、吹きたいときに吹くという感じ。たぶん、とても素直で五十五歳とは思えない若々しい感性の持ち主なんだろう。彼は自分を〝I'm a world musician〞と言っているけれど、ずっと昔から既成の音楽を自分のものにして、どうやって世界の音楽にするかという意識を持っていた人だと思う。自分の雰囲気にいちばんよく合うファッションを選ぶ、しゃれたセンスの持ち主だったね。今回一緒にショーに登場したイーグル・アイのほか、去年「バッファロー・スタンス」でヒットを飛ばしたネナ・チェリーの父親でもあるんだ。(談)

Don Cherry
musician (trumpeter)

Eagle-Eye Cherry
actor, musician

When he took off his black hat, Don Cherry's pineapple head suddenly appeared, swinging around. Not a single person in the audience missed that moment. There's no one who hasn't been blown away by how wonderful it is.

"I’m a world musician" - Don Cherry.

Peter Balakian

The term "jazz musician" is used to refer to a variety of musicians, but from the time of his debut, Don Cherry seemed to be a person who was not restricted to any one genre of music. Some critics said that the way he played the trumpet was so innovative that he couldn't follow an orthodox style, but that's not true. He was a man with his own unique style. The man who became the central figure in avant-garde jazz, working with Ornette Coleman in the mid-'50s, was born in Oklahoma in 1936. People around this area, such as those in Texas, go to Los Angeles when they go out to the big city, and Don Cherry was no different. This L.A. area in particular is a latecomer to jazz. It must have been very difficult to do on the West Coast what was new even on the East Coast.

In 1959, the Coleman quartet made its debut in New York City at the Five Spot Café, where it was received with great enthusiasm by audiences from around the world. It marked a major shift in the course of contemporary music. Of those days, Don Cherry said, "Everyone from Leonard Bernstein to Thelonious Monk came to the Five Spot." Later, he met Sonny Rollins and toured throughout Europe. From 1964 to 1966, he teamed up with Argentinian saxophonist Gato Barbieri and traveled from Copenhagen to Morocco, reportedly his first visit to the Third World.

These days there is a lot of interest in world music, but Don Cherry was one of the first to show an interest in this non-Western music very early on. I think this must have been influenced by the hippie ideology of the 60s, what about that? In the 70s, he moved to Sweden with his family and bought an art school that he still runs today. They lived in the school and were also involved in organic farming and producing children's music programs for radio and TV.

Don Cherry plays free jazz, has done albums with white sitarist Collin Walcott and Brazilian percussionist Naná Vasconcelos, has recorded with other drummers, and has done all kinds of other things. He does not do only one thing, rather, he is very progressive and tries different things with music.

Last February, he came to Japan as a member of a jazz orchestra called the Liberation Music Orchestra, and gave a wonderful performance. This orchestra is a group of active musicians who get together from time to time to play music with a strong social message. At that time, they did solos one at a time, but Don Cherry had no order or anything: all of a sudden, he would get up and blow a short solo, and then poof, he would sit down and blow again when he wanted to. Perhaps it is his frankness and youthful sensibility that make it hard to believe that he is 55 years old. He says about himself, "I'm a world musician," but I think he has always had an awareness of how to make world music by taking existing music and making it his own. He always had a good sense of style, choosing fashion that best matched his mood. In addition to Eagle-Eye, who was in the show with him, he is also the father of Neneh Cherry, who had a hit with "Buffalo Stance" last year.



アクター、アーティスト、ミュージシャン、ビジネスマン⋯⋯さまざまな男たちが、目の前を行き交う。普通のショーだったら、モデルより服に目がいくから、人間をこんなにじっくり見る機会はめったにない。そして、見るに値する男たち。それぞれ違う個性だから、それぞれ違う似合い方で、コム デ ギャルソン・オム プリュスがなじんでいる。かっこいいな、と思う。なんでいいんだろう。どこがいいんだろう。

「ひとことで言えば、中身」と川久保玲。コレクションの五日後。コム デ ギャルソンのオフィスで。



でも仕事でないとしたら何のために?それは、彼らが何かを信じていたからだ。コム デ ギャルソンの服を着てステージを歩くことで、彼らの伝達手段である演技や音楽や絵を抜きにして、自分の存在そのものだけで、何かを伝えられると。


彼女自身、変わったものを作ろうとか、アバンギャルドをしようとか思っているわけではない。自分にとって新しいものを作ろうとしているだけ。「普通に、あたりまえにこなしている。生活も普通。遊びにも、食物にも、ものにも、ほとんど興味がない。そういう話題に参加しなくても、思うものは作っていけるから積極的になれないんでしょうね」外から影響を受けるのではなくて、自分の中に生まれ育つものを見つめているせいかもしれない。オム プリュスの場合、シーズンごとのテーマは特にない。「自由な気持ちの人のために⋯⋯と、いつも考えています」それこそ、出演者たちが伝えたかったことではないだろうか。頭のてっぺんで束ねた髪、がばがばのテールコートで会場をわかせたジャズミュージシャンのドン・チェリー。彼がこう言ったそうだ。「いつ、どこにいても、自分が黒人だという意識を捨てたことはなかった。でもコム デ ギャルソンを着たときは、そのことをきれいさっぱり忘れているんだ」

"Everyone should be the same." What a thing to say…
Rei Kawakubo

Nobuko Kojima

Actors, artists, musicians, businessmen… All kinds of men come and go in front of our eyes. If it were a normal show, people would look at the clothes more than the models, as it is rare to get a chance to look at people so closely. And these men deserve to be seen. Because each of them has a different personality, COMME des GARÇONS HOMME PLUS blends in with them in a different way. It's cool, I think. Why is it so good? What is so good about it?

"In a word, it's what's inside," said Rei Kawakubo. Five days after the collection. At the Comme des Garçons offices.

"I think if you have pride and live your life in a down-to-earth manner, it comes naturally. If a person has their own unique characteristics, then anything will suit them, right? Even if the person doesn't match the clothes, it feels like the clothes follow through and become a part of them." This is why the performers were chosen solely on the basis of whether or not they were charming in person, rather than whether or not they looked suitable. Nationality, age, occupation, and skin color don’t matter. Status, in particular, is of no importance.

"As a result, there are more artists, probably because they have more ease expressing their own personality. But there were only three or four who happened to be major sellers. In any case, they were people with whom I had a relationship in one way or another. Some of them participated before in Paris. In that sense, the groundwork might have been laid. Everyone participated in a friendly manner, without doing any business. At first, John Lurie didn't want to play the harmonica because it wasn't his job. In the end, he gave the OK."

But if not for business, then for what? It was because they believed in something. That by walking on stage wearing Comme des Garcons clothes, they could convey something by their very presence alone, without the acting, music, or painting that are their means of communication.

Regarding the purpose of this show, Rei Kawakubo said, "I don't have any desire to change the way men behave, but there are things I don't agree with about the way young people dress these days. When we were younger, we tried to dress differently. Nowadays, everyone seems to think that ‘the same is better.' As long as they wear foreign brands, they feel safe. I wonder if this will lead to the creation of something new and what the future holds. The joint show was a result of our shared dissatisfaction with that kind of status quo, and we thought that putting the two together would be a power-up. It's not that I want everyone to wear my clothes. I want people to see this show and realize that. I want people to show more of themselves. I think that's one of the things that attracted me to the people who participated in the show. It means letting your own style seep through."

She herself is not trying to create something unusual or avant-garde. She is just trying to create something new for herself. "I do things normally and ordinarily. My life is also normal. I have little interest in play, food, or things. I guess I can make what I want without participating in those topics, so I can't be proactive." Maybe it is because she is looking at what is created and nurtured within herself, rather than being influenced by outside influences. In the case of HOMME PLUS, there is no particular theme for each season. "For those who feel free… always, I think," which is what she wished the performers to convey. Jazz musician Don Cherry enlivened the audience with his hair tied up on top of his head and his loose tailcoat. This is what he said: "Whenever and wherever I was, I never gave up on the idea that I was black. But when I wear Comme des Garçons, I nicely forget about that."



コム デ ギャルソン・オムのショップが、青山の骨董通りにできた一〇年くらい前から、ずっと着ています。オムの服は長く着られるんです。オーダーのスーツなんか、すぐ着られなくなるけど、オムの服は不思議とずっと着られる。何年も前の服を着ていくと、友人に「それどこの?」なんてきかれたりする。古くならないんですね。









Both the clothes they make and the people who make them are taciturn.

Pater Sato

I have been wearing COMME des GARÇONS HOMME since the store opened on Kotto-dori in Aoyama about 10 years ago. HOMME clothes can be worn for so long. Custom-made suits can quickly become unwearable, but HOMME clothes can be worn continuously. When I wear clothes from years ago, my friends ask me, "Where did you get that?" It never gets old.

When I was young, I wanted to try on different kinds of clothes, so I used to wear them and throw them away, or rather, I wore them all over the place. In my late 30s, I realized the value of basics. I finally found the real value in them. My desire to go back to basics and wear something ordinary matched perfectly with the clothes that HOMME was making at that time. I've been wearing things like shirts and sweatshirts for about 10 years, so they've recently started to get a good taste in them...

I like easy-to-wear, basic clothes. It is important to have fun, but I don't want clothes that are "too flashy." However, basics alone are not enough. I like clothes that are nonchalant but thoughtful and nuanced. HOMME's clothes are not obtrusive, even if they are playful. I think it is because there is some basic substance.

A simplicity that eliminates all unnecessary things—HOMME's clothes can be summed up in one word: taciturn. And Rei Kawakubo is also taciturn. The person and the clothes are the same, and the person who makes the clothes appears in the clothes. I like this kind of stoicism and taciturnity. People who blabber on about unnecessary things are tiring, aren't they? On the other hand, there are people who are very natural and easy to accept without having to talk, people who are easy to interact with. Ms. Kawakubo is that kind of person. I am also a quiet person, so we don't talk much when we meet, but I like that.

There are not many women designers who make menswear. It must be very difficult to break into the field… HOMME clothes are the kind of clothes that you wouldn't believe were made by a woman. There is a sharpness to them that is not convoluted. I think Ms. Kawakubo is a very bold and masculine person. I am sure that the kind of man Ms. Kawakubo envisions is someone who is a bit stoic. Ms. Kawakubo herself is stoic, isn't she? I like the feeling that she is not attached to anything.

Mr. Kawakubo strips away the excess and creates from there, I think. When you are creating something, you tend to have a lot of extra things attached to it. There are no messy parts like that, and it is refreshing. People who make things tend to get intoxicated in the process of making them, but Ms. Kawakubo is not like that. She is awake. Of course, she must be in control of the process. It is amazing that she can do that.

My relationship with clothes is similar to my relationship with people. Unlike when I was younger, I don't have a specific idea of what I want anymore, so I just go there and find something. I get a little anxious if I don't go to the store for a while, so I visit regularly. I have developed a relationship of trust with the clothes. That's why I rarely go to other stores. In a good way, I have become accustomed to HOMME clothing. When I wear other clothes, I feel uncomfortable.

HOMME clothing has a good sense of color. There is a sense of similarity with Japanese kimonos and Japanese men's clothing. Japanese clothes are the most suitable for Japanese men; it's the color of Japanese clothes, right? That's why I think it's a good idea to choose clothes based on the color of Japanese clothes.

I have a request for Ms. Kawakubo. Recently, young people are wearing more and more HOMME clothes, but I hope that you will continue to make sophisticated clothes that we can wear as well. Otherwise, I will be in trouble. After all, I think I will wear HOMME clothes for the rest of my life… (Story)













「コム デ ギャルソンを着ると気分がいい。それはきっと非常に細かいところまで神経が行き届いていて、人と服との信頼関係が成り立っているから。服にもパーソナリティがあって、自分のそれと共鳴し合っているのがわかる」


Tom Novembre

“Rei makes a strong impression,” he says. "I'm so ashamed of myself that I'm a little nervous. I'm sure her inner world is even stronger than that. That's why I'm so impressed."

The only one among the performers to be a cool bystander.

No matter what he is doing or where he is, his greatest concern is for his inner world, as he "himself" continues to try to be "himself". Although he has a lot on his mind, he does not dare to express it outwardly, and even thinks it is the most nonsensical thing to assert his opinions or to fight with others.

He wants to push his own preoccupations as inconspicuously as possible. He is so preoccupied with himself that he cannot even be interested in other people's lives. A bystander to others.

"To me, I'm a hero," he says with a slight smile on his face, but with a tone that is strong and full of confidence.

His name is Tom Novembre.

Since its release in March of the year before last in Paris, the film "The Bathroom" has become a huge hit, releasing in Japan last year and creating a buzz. He came into the limelight by playing "me," the protagonist of the eccentrically titled film, as naturally as if he were a projection of himself.

The role of "me" is that of an elusive person. He gives the impression of a taciturn, strong-willed individualist who lives his life the way he wants to. This is exactly the impression one gets from his body language and gestures when he steps on stage in the show. In other words, it is as if his own honest personality is being expressed effortlessly.

"When I went up on stage, I felt the eyes of many people and their curious stares prickling my whole body. I thought I was used to that kind of look from the audience since I have been on stage a lot in the theater." However, in a show, unlike on stage, there is no action. The audience is exposed to a real human being, completely empty-handed and defenseless. "I have never been in a situation where I was so unsure of what to do, or in a sense, so uptight, when it came to expressing myself." He has to express himself in the mere minute or so of walking on stage, which is a terrible condition for him to be faced with.

What is the most important thing to do there, and what is the most interesting thing to do? When I started thinking about that, I realized that it was similar to shooting a movie, and it became easier mentally. In other words, feeling is the most important thing. And I realized that it was enough to just let my own mood, which I had cultivated through theater and singing, come out as it was."

So, unlike the other performers, he didn't give a peace sign, he didn't wave, he didn't make any friendly gestures. Just quietly and normally, he moved smoothly back and forth across the long, narrow stage, paying little attention to the people he passed, as a man walking down the street might pay attention to his surroundings.

"I feel good when I wear Comme des Garçons. This is probably because they pay great attention to detail and build a relationship of trust between people and their clothes. The clothes also have a personality, and I can see how they resonate with my own."

He is an elegant guy who keeps everything cool, both in his clothes and his demeanor. He was the only one of the performers to be a bystander at the show, able to objectively and clearly see the position he was in and the situation he was in.

singer, composer






John Cale
singer, composer

"Yohji doesn't demand anything. He understands the sensitivity of musicians. Yohji summons sensitivities."

What the anti-formals convey.

"When composers and designers are creating something, they’re doing something where the response keeps changing until the very last moment. However, the finished product must have an impact on people. I don't think that's true for all composers and designers, but I strongly sympathize with Yohji. In other words, it is something special for someone who has given up on formality to propose a work of art without paying attention to established concepts. That is what Yohji is doing. That is why Yohji’s clothes are so shocking."

In 1965, John Cale formed the legendary rock group Velvet Underground with Lou Reed and Nico. Despite coming from a classical background, he has been at the forefront of the avant-garde with Andy Warhol and others, and has been throwing anti-moral ideas into society, called by the phrase "the one who has abandoned the formal...", the solidarity with Yohji Yamamoto in this area is unwaveringly compelling. John Cale's strong light (dark?) eyes and expression that never once showed a smile took on a more distinct outline when he wore Yohji Yamamoto's clothes, giving him a kind of sublime look. What kind of message did he want to convey in this show? "That's Yohji's problem. I just walk around in his clothes, that's all. He chose the men to wear his clothes, and I gave him the okay to be in his show. That's how it was decided. That's what the message is."

The avant-garde must, perhaps, be infinitely pure and clean. On June 1, 1991, John Cale embodied this on stage.

musician (saxophonist)













Charles Lloyd
musician (saxophonist)

The singer was singing perfectly. So I asked Thelonious Monk, "How's do you like it?" and he said this: "It's better to make a mistake." That takes a lot of courage, and Yohji is exactly like that. No matter who wears Yohji's clothes, you can see their personality. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

A kind-hearted romantic.

Hisato Aikura

Nearly white gray hair. A brown face carved by the years.

Gray hair that is almost gray. Brown face with age. Fashion glasses, as if he wanted to add one more color (black) to the contrast… The color coordination is heart-wrenching, and the "old man" dandyism is full of dignity.

And yet, there was nothing pretentious about him at all. The way he walked around the stage with a light and relaxed demeanor, flirting with the audience on both sides of him, made it hard to believe that he was an instant model who was experiencing his first fashion show. As a matter of fact, notwithstanding his modeling experience, he is a veteran of 30 years on stage in terms of performance.

Charles Lloyd. In the 1960s, he was a well-known saxophone player and leader who was known as one of the best in the modern jazz scene.

In 1968, he first came to Japan leading his own group. I remember following him from Nagoya to Kyoto after his Tokyo concert and interviewing him on the Shinkansen train. Last June 1st, as I watched the joint show between Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto recorded at the Meiji Jingu swimming pool on a monitor, like a cheesy staged flashback, I thought of a double-exposure picture of that time 23 years ago.

The year 1968 was the height of the anti-war pacifist "Flower Movement," "Flower Power," that emerged as part of the hippie movement mainly in San Francisco on the West Coast of the United States. The image of psychedelic flower lines and flower decorations borrowed from the power of drugs, and the chant of "Love & Peace," as soldiers walked with flowers placed in their guns, created a unique atmosphere of the era.

Without going into a deep analysis of the situation at the time, on the other hand, there was a more radical "black power," with black students/activists at its core, and there was a gap, although not definitive, between the two. Despite the complexity of the situation, Charles Lloyd had a considerable following among white hippies and flower people that transcended skin color.

At the time, I was in pursuit of "radicalism" that would challenge even the assumption that jazz was "= music", and I remember that I was very insistent with him about it. A lover of the blues, which is the root of black music, he is an easy-going romantic who sings expressively and rhythmically about the blessings of nature, its great scale, and the harmony between people and nature that live in its cycle—the charm of his music, then and now, probably lies in these aspects.

During those 20 years, I left jazz, so I have no information on where he was and how he spent his time during that period, but I never expected to see him again as a model for the show; even after 20 years, his kind-hearted romanticism has only improved, and I realized that nothing had changed at all.

And still, he's turned out to be a nice old man.













Quiet, adventurous of life.

Nobuhiko Obayashi

Mr. Yohji Yamamoto and I ate together only once. But for now, that is enough. I am currently in Hokkaido. My days are still filled with movies, and the recent Yohji Yamamoto collection is an event in a far, far away world for me, but in this crisp, painfully bright northern light, I suddenly think about Mr. Yohji: he is a wonderful, kind, and very close person to me.

The two of us were brought together by a mutual friend, Yukihiro Takahashi. A close friend introduces his close friend to another close friend. On that special night, feeling a little nervous and a lot of happiness, I rushed to a club in Tokyo where Yukihiro and Yohji were waiting for me. A former Olympic swimming champion who played the role of Tarzan [TN: Johnny Weissmuller] jumped into the pool at the end of a drunken frenzy, according to a strange legend; it is one of my favorite places to visit that makes me feel a little fashionable, and it suited the mood of the evening well.

However, it wasn't like he had made any special promises that night. Mr. Yukihiro and Mr. Yohji were there that night, and Mr. Yukihiro happened to hear that I was in another place right next to them, so he called me and said, "Would you like to come over for a moment? I'm with Mr. Yohji right now." However, this invitation to meet with Mr. Yohji was also a long-standing promise between Mr. Yukihiro and myself that had to be nonchalantly fulfilled at some point in time.

By the time I ran over there, Mr. Yukihiro and Mr. Yohji had already been talking for quite some time, seemingly, and a warm atmosphere drifted slowly through the room, and I felt a little more comfortable. A new fine wine was carefully and unpretentiously selected, and the three of us looked at each other and said, "Well, cheers," as we made a toast.

However, I have little recollection of what kind of conversations we had that night. As I recall, Mr. Yohji had other commitments, so he delayed his plans a little and stayed with us for about an hour to chat, and then simply said "Well, then," and left. After that, Mr. Yukihiro and I emptied a bottle of wine and went home, as we always do.

Yet it was a very rich night. I feel that we were enveloped that night by those words, carefully chosen, casual, and of even higher quality than the wine we were drinking. People use words to think about themselves, to communicate with others, to avoid hurting others, to forgive each other, and to be happy. I think that night was the perfect realization of such a human miracle. I believe it was because it was a very important night for both of us.

One cannot escape from words and consciousness. The more one thinks, is conscious, acts, and communicates, the more crippled, wounded, and unhappy one becomes in the relationship between oneself and others, and between oneself and the times in which one is forced to live. However, since this is the reason for one's existence, if one keeps one's eyes fixed on the Hell of one’s own consciousness, and continues to be oneself with courage, one will suddenly find oneself blissfully free of everything.

Yohji Yamamoto is such a professional of self-expression. I was indeed given a moment of happiness that night by Mr. Yohji Yamamoto.

We, who are prisoners of consciousness and time, are suddenly freed by Yohji Yamamoto's fashion, where words are freed from the spell of words and are perhaps the happiest words.

Yohji Yamamoto is a very charming, quiet, and adventurous of life.




A man's " funniness" or " joyfulness".
Yohji Yamamoto

A group of men in navy blue suits emerged. The men were even funkier. They were all musicians. Rhythm pulsating through their bodies, inviting a light "walk". John Cale, Charles Lloyd, Edgar Winter… After all, post-middle age is cool. The sophistication of the Blankey Jet City trio and the goofiness of Yukihiro Takahashi and Haruomi Hosono were not easily outdone, though. The excitement increased as the show went on, with Picasso and Braque-style appliquéd jackets and Marilyn Monroe reverse-sided coats where she was turned into a mermaid.

According to Yohji Yamamoto, "If it's not joyful, it's not men's clothing." He began to think this way about five years ago. "I guess you could call it the charm of meaninglessness and senselessness. There is something funny in the masterpiece that is expression. Human beings live their lives, and after certain struggles have been overcome, they come to see things… As they say in France, there are specialties. First-rate is something you can be impressed by without having a background in it. If you have to study to understand it, it is second-rate. I wish I could make something funny, fun, and meaningless." If that's the case, wouldn't the musicians who performed also fall into the specialty category? "Ha-ha-ha… Because we had a bunch of weirdos. I chose musicians because it's easy to gather a motley crew of people. The clothes are just about what you would expect them to wear. When the fitting was over, the staff around them were smirking. You can't help but laugh. Whenever a man thinks he’s "decided", I like how it coexists with a "funny" feeling. Clean and understated is not enough." Then, what are the requirements to be a cool guy… "First of all, you must have a sense of what is class A and class B. And then, the highly polish and the less refined, the sensitive and the clownish, they all coexist. It would be cool if everything was class A. Bruce Willis in 'Die Hard' must have looked miserable and grumbled in a scene where he was playing a big role. Why do I have to go through this? That's cute. Being young is not cool either. People look better when their hair is thinning and their cells have started to break down." In that case, youth, height, and good taste are not deciding factors. Another important thing is to be able to make life calculations like, I want to be cool in this area. I don't mean calculating." I've come to understand it somehow. Enjoy life, whether you are lucky or unlucky. If one knows not only having tasted chilled champagne in a hotel suite, but also having enjoyed a tasty glass of beer bought with his last few coins while down and out, when he looks into that cracked mirror, snickers, and then ties a neckerchief into a bowtie and pushes back his thinning hair: he is a pretty cool guy. The joy that comes through these musicians is the joy of life they are taking into their own hands. It's tough, so it's worth it… Them walking on stage was also interesting to him because he felt the ecstasy. The attitude of enjoying the moment. A kind of dandyism. Consider a man's rather hard situation. Suppose he is a fighter pilot. Would he still have time to enjoy it? "If you look at photographs of American fighter planes, you'll see that many of them feature nose art, pictures painted on the front part of the plane. Oftentimes these are pictures of girlfriends or sexy ladies. These are the sorts of things men paint when their lives are on the line? That's laughable. I thought it would be cute to put those drawings on leather jackets." That turned into a 40s-style Air Force blouson and pin-up girls. Rather than getting serious in line with the world's conventions and values, let's laugh it off. Perhaps it is the spirit of rebellion, transformed into fun, that has been the driving force behind Yohji Yamamoto's collections.




Lucien M'Baidem

Joey Starr

Settled on both ends of the stage, they looked as clean as a hardened juvenile delinquent. Their pristine white shirts and gray pants highlighted their silent nature.


6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto
What Happened on?

All About Yohji Yamamoto from 1968
Published by Bunka Publishing Bureau


Dennis Hopper: Genius Knows Genius.

October 1991

by Katsuyuki Yoshida



'50年代では『理由なき反抗』でのチンピラ役、それに『ジャイアンツ』での息子役。'60年代では、初の監督と主演を見事にやってのけた、ニューシネーマの傑作『イージー・ライダー』。この映画の中で、ピリー役のホッパーが「アスホール!」と言うと、ザ・バンドの一『ウエイト』が流れるシーン。'70年代には『アメリカの友人」。これはまさしく彼のベスト・アクトのひとつと呼べるもの。 『地獄の黙示録』でのフォトグラファー役。






僕には16歳の息子がいる。世代の違いか、よくケンカもする。そんな息子が、「オヤジ、このヴィデオ、一緒に見よう」と言って持ってきたのが、 『フラッシュバック』だった。'60年代の伝説的なヒッピー(デニス・ホッパー)とロいFBIエージェント(キーファー・サザーランド)がからむストーリーなのだが、世代を超えた友情を見事に描一いた映画である。「見終わってから僕と息子の間がとてもハッピーになった」ことをデニスさんに話すと、彼はたまたま同席していた息子を抱くようにして喜んでくれたのだった。デニスさんのサインが欲しいと息子が持ってきた本『Flashing on the Sixties』という'60年代の写真集を差し出すと、彼はそれに見入って当時の思い出を熱心に話し始めた。気がついてみると、デスさんのまわりに皆が集まり、真剣に話に耳を傾けていた。

デニスさんがその本に書いてくれた回葉は〝Thanks simple food for simple people〞

This time, I was unexpectedly invited by Rei Kawakubo to participate in the "6·1 THE MEN" event, and I was given the opportunity to be on stage. I had the good fortune of sharing the stage for two days with Dennis Hopper and other wonderful artists, and here I would like to describe my impression of Dennis Hopper from a very individual standpoint.

Dennis Hopper is an actor who has burned many memorable scenes into the minds of us movie lovers. Although still active, he is a man who is already steeped in legend.

In the 50s, he played a thug in "Rebel Without a Cause" and a son in "Giant." In the 60s, he made his first directorial and leading role in a masterpiece of new cinema, "Easy Rider." In this film, Hopper, who plays Billy, says, "Asshole!" and The Band's "Weight" plays. In the 70s, "An American Friend." This is truly one of his best acts. He played a photographer in "Apocalypse Now."

In the 80s, he acted for directors with strong personalities, such as "The Osterman Weekend," "The American Way," and "Blue Velvet."' In the 90s, I can't help but marvel at the fact that he appeared in (and directed) such films as "Catchfire" and "The Hot Spot," films that were sure to be the talk of the town at the time. So, I was looking forward to meeting him with nervous anticipation, wondering just how amazing he was.

On the day of the show, I went to the venue early in the morning. When I entered the waiting room for the Comme des Garçons staff, I found a table in the corner of the spacious room where Dennis Hopper, wearing glasses, was sitting alone and reading a newspaper. When he greeted me with a smiling face, I was happy to see him and felt a sense of relief as my nerves eased away.

He and Don Cherry, who also appeared in the show, were the leaders in the backstage area of the venue. When we amateurs were nervous, they would talk to us in a friendly manner. At the rehearsal of the show, when he was explaining the show's progress in front of all the performers, Hopper's serious face as he asked various questions really showed his earnest attitude.

The show began and the models went out on stage one after another. Mr. Hopper happened to be next to me. He ran out onto the stage at the signal of the facilitator, and it was very moving to see him behind me with his head down, eyes shut, hands on his chest, and concentration on his nerves.

After the show, all the staff members went to a restaurant for the launch party. While everyone was watching the video of the show, Dennis, who was sitting next to me, stared intently at the video, sighed, and said, "Rei's clothes are art." When I heard that, I felt I could understand why he participated in the Comme des Garçons show. Genius knows genius…

I have a 16-year-old son. We often fight, perhaps because of the difference of generations. He said, "Dad, let's watch this film together," and he brought me "Flashback". Set in the 60s, it is the story of a legendary hippie (Dennis Hopper) and a loathsome FBI agent (Kiefer Sutherland), and it is a film that beautifully depicts friendship that transcends generations. When I told Dennis that "my son and I were very happy after seeing the movie," he was happy to hold his son, who happened to be in the audience. When my son presented Dennis with a photo book from the 60s called "Flashing on the Sixties," for his autograph, he looked at it intently and began enthusiastically talking about his memories of those days. Before I knew it, everyone had gathered around Dennis, listening intently to his story.

Dennis wrote in the book, "Thanks simple food for simple people."


Visions of the Global Designers: Yohji Yamamoto

October 1991

Interview by Atsuko Kawaguchi
Photography by Hisashi Shimizu


The precocious taste for women. I used to confuse the odor of fur with the odor of woman. I remember.... Finally, I loved my mother for her elegance. Thus I was a precocious dandy. - Baudelaire








なぜパリでコレクションを開一くのか。その答えはひとつ。パリが世界に対する情報センターであるからパリ。コレだと世界に情報が拡がる東京コレクションだと日本中に情報が '拡がる、そういう違いですね。ただ、そういう比較論とは別に、パリ・コレのほうにはなにか封切りの緊張感みたいなものはありますね。燃焼度の高さというか。やはりこちら側の緊張感が観る側にも伝わるということがあるんだろうと思う。



ーーでは、ワイズとコム デ ギャルソンの違いについて、伺っていいでしょうか。

コム デ ギャルソンとワイズはなんとなく一緒にして語られることが多いのだけれど、今回のジョイント、コレクションは両方の違いがもつともばっきり出たように思うね。コム デ ギャルソンのほうはしっとりとしたトーンだったし、うちはファンキーなトーンだった。音にたとえれば、頭の奥深いところでキーンと鳴るような、色にたとえれば美しい透明感だけで成り立っているような、そんな服を創らせたら、コム デ ギャルソンはナンバーワンじゃないですか。
















- First of all, I would like to ask you about your impressions after 6·1.

Yohji Yamamoto (hereinafter referred to as Yamamoto)
Overall, I was pleased that the audience was happy beyond reason. Seeing the happy faces of the audience as they left the venue, which was different from our usual shows, made me feel that it was a good thing we had done it. If we could not give them enthusiasm or excitement, it would be a very bad thing. That's our job.

- I think the joint show on June 1, 1991, will be remembered for a long time, but where did the idea for it come from in the first place?

Well, as for the background of this show, we had talked with Gaultier the three of us about doing a joint show in Tokyo. It was about five years ago. But for various reasons, it never came to fruition. Then, the Gulf War broke out, and there was a mood of self-restraint at the Paris Collection. I generally dislike self-restraint, and I think, first of all, what does art have to do with war? I think that this enthusiasm led spontaneously to 6·1.

- Do you have any plans to continue holding joint shows like 6·1? In other words, will it become a regular thing?

If we did it all the time, people would lose half their interest (laughs). The joint show itself was a stratagem, wasn't it? Well, at the very least, I think it would be better not to make it a regular event.

- What do you think of the differences between the Paris Collection and the Tokyo Collection?

Why do you showcase your collections in Paris? There is only one answer. Paris is the information center for the world. The difference is that the Paris Collection spreads information to the world, while the Tokyo Collection spreads information throughout Japan. However, apart from that kind of comparative argument, there is something like a sense of tension at the opening of the Paris Collection. It's like a high degree of combustion. I think that the tension on our side is conveyed to the viewers.

- By the way, what do you think about Rei Kawakubo as a designer?

Well, while creating this joint show, I thought, what a great partner we have teamed up with. She is a strong and formidable designer. She's such a huge figure that even I can't help but feel humble. However, it is honestly hard for me to explain the reason why I am so consciously close to her.

- Now, may I ask you about the difference between Y's and Comme des Garçons?

Comme des Garçons and Y's are often talked about together, but I think the difference between the two was most obvious in this joint collection. Comme des Garçons had a more mellow tone, while Y's had a funky tone. If you were to compare it to a sound, it would be like a sharp ringing deep inside your head; if you were to compare it to a color, it would be made up of only beautiful transparency; if you could create such clothes, wouldn't Comme des Garçons be number one?

- Have you ever thought about what if Yohji Yamamoto had been born a woman?

I think the first step would be to fight against gender inequality. For example, if Yohji Yamamoto, a woman, were to go to a bank and ask for a loan (although this is strange), it would be slightly different if Yohji Yamamoto, a man, were to say the same thing. In a field like literature, where you think about things so deeply, people use the term "female writers." I think I would have started by thinking about how to deal with society's handicap and how to bounce back from it.

- What are the differences in designing men's and women's clothes?

There's a point where you can't throw a slow curve against a different gender. For example, the jacket from 6·1 with a pin-up nude painted on the back. That's because when a man puts his life on the line, he draws a girl on his back, which is a common joke among men, as if it were just for show. It's all about being laid back and taking it easy; that's why they get thrown a curve ball when it comes to men. On the other hand, when it comes to women's clothes, there are still people who think, "Hmm, is this okay?" You can absolutely never make fun of it.

I end up getting serious. In other words, I create while thinking. That's why I imagine that everyone uses words like philosophical or intellectual to describe it.

- As was the case with 6·1, what do you think is the difference between amateur models and professional models?

For professional models, it is a job—of course. However, this time it was also a school performance in a good sense. When they are backstage or at rehearsals, they’re already amused, thinking, "Hey, what's going on with this collar?" before they even put it on. Or there are people who say things like, "I don't want to look this bad." In any case, there are definitely times when we are having fun by ourselves before entertaining the audience. Even if we didn't ask them to do anything, they did it on their own. Since it's a Collection, all the ensembles are already decided, but even with shoes, I choose them myself, thinking, "This is better."

- For designer Yohji Yamamoto, what is the ideal image of a man?

Rather than looking good on the outside, I would like to focus more on internal looking. In other words, I feel like I'm always thinking about what kind of lifestyle would be the most vulgar. For example, there's a man who forgets his social standing and position and when he sees an old man collapse on the street, he goes out of his way to help him. About 10 years ago, there was a plane crash in America and the plane fell into a river. At that moment, a man had just saved three women when his strength ran out. I think this kind of man is quite good-looking.

- By the way, where does Mr. Yohji's creativity come from?

Nothing. There is no such thing as a source. But if I had to say, I guess it would be a reflection on the previous collection. The next idea often starts from a reflection on things like, "I should have done that," or "I should have included that." That's why I find it easier to generate ideas after a failed collection than after a successful one.

- What do you think about the role of fashion designers in today's society as a whole?

There is no doubt that fashion has become more recognized within the framework of today's society than in the past. However, I strongly feel that fashion has lost its sharpness. In the past, I think people would have had more energy if they were gnashing their teeth and feeling sorry for the times. When a large company approaches me with a design request based on a simple idea, I feel a strange sense of insult and want to tell them not to think so simply. Well, maybe I should use that strange feeling of insult as a source of energy for now.

- One last stupid question. Is fashion a business or an art?

Fashion is about proposing a "style of living." It's just that, nothing more, nothing less. This is a problem that goes beyond business and art. Going back in time, it is said that "popular music" accomplished what "music" could not. In the same way, I think "popular art" can accomplish things that conventional "art" cannot accomplish. I always keep that ambition hidden in my heart. In that sense, fashion should aim to become more of a "popular art."


Visions of the Global Designers: Rei Kawakubo

October 1991

Interview by Atsuko Kawaguchi
Photography by Hisashi Shimizu


To be truly elegant one should not be noticed. - Beau Brummell











ーーでは、ワイズとコム デ ギャルソンの違いについて、伺っていいでしょnる。

ワイズは今回ロックンロールの世界という感じで、上手に遊んでいましたね。私はそういう遊び方が出来ないんです。私はほんとうに真面目なところのある人間なのです。表現を代えるなら、コム デ ギャルソンならではの世界をもっと追求してみたいという気持ちはあります。ストイックすぎるんでしょうね(笑)。だからショウの演出ひとつとっても、もう少し柔らかくして下さいと頼むことがあります。あまりにストレートすぎないように。








コム デ ギャルソンの服がしっくりと似合う人。具体的には今回コレクションに登場してくれた、ジョーン・ルーリー、デニス・ホッパーといった俳優さんたちも、理想像のひとつと言えるでしょう。


さあ、体何でしょう。実は自分でもよく分からないのです。アイディアを生むために旅行をするとか、どこか調査に行くとか、ほとんどそういうことはありません。それでも年2 |回コレクションを開くのが宿命ですから、その時には湧いてくる。その時その時の気分というのはありますから、やはり自分の心の奥底からインスピレーションが湧いてくるのでしょう。





- First of all, I would like to ask you about your impressions after 6·1.

Rei Kawakubo (hereinafter referred to as Kawakubo)
It's more of a feeling of fulfillment than a feeling of despondency. I'm glad I did it after all... It was fun. Paris Fashion Week was held before 6·1, so we had some clothes, and all that was left was to make some minor adjustments for the joint show.

- I think the joint show on June 1, 1991, will be remembered for a long time, but where did the idea for it come from in the first place?

I think there was a sense of crisis. Is this really the way the men's fashion market is feeling right now? No, there was a sense of urgency that we needed to somehow change the depressed atmosphere. Then, about three months ago, we started thinking about doing it. But I'm glad we did it. We have already presented it at Paris Fashion Week, so both viewers and partakers could relax on 6·1. Rather than criticizing it, it seems that they enjoyed the collection itself and the event itself. Well, that was the aim as well.

- Do you have any plans to continue holding joint shows like 6·1? In other words, will it become a regular thing?

Well, I don't think so. It's a bit strange to do men's clothing in Paris and then in Tokyo as well. I don't know if Y's will do it in Tokyo or if we will do it in Tokyo, but anyway, I can't think of a joint format in the future.

- What do you think of the differences between the Paris Collection and the Tokyo Collection?

I don't think there is any decisive difference. It's not like Paris has an eye for fashion that Tokyo doesn't have. However, in the case of Paris, journalists and buyers from various countries gather there. It is possible that the level is still high. There is a sense of tension in a good way. Immediately after the collection, the reaction is felt naturally. The atmosphere. I'm so happy that we were able to get this kind of customer to understand us in this way. By an atmosphere that transcends words and shapes.

- By the way, what do you think about Yohji Yamamoto as a designer?

I have nothing but praise for him (laughs). Well, this has something to do with why we started 6·1, but I'm not the kind of person who is soaking in lukewarm water. Aren't you the type of person who wants to be more demanding than you are now? He's always aware of problems and willing to take on challenges (laughs).

- Now, may I ask you about the difference between Y's and Comme des Garçons?

Y's seemed to be playing in the rock'n'roll world this time, and he played well with it. I can't play like that. I'm a really serious person. In other words, I would like to further explore the world unique to Comme des Garçons. I guess I'm too stoic (laughs). That's why I sometimes ask them to make the performance of a show a little softer. Don't be too straight.

- Have you ever thought about what if Rei Kawakubo had been born a man?

I don't understand things like that (laughs). I have never thought about what it would be like to be a man. I want to be someone who transcends being a man or a woman.

- What are the differences in designing men's and women's clothes?

There is no particular difference. I approach making clothes with almost the same mindset. Rather, I don't want to differentiate between women's clothes and men's clothes. To be more honest, I don't particularly want to do something called "design." I'm always thinking about how to avoid "design". Designing is a delicate thing. I would rather create clothes by removing something. Design without design, that is my goal.

- As was the case with 6·1, what do you think is the difference between amateur models and professional models?

In terms of purely expressing and conveying clothes, amateurs are better. There is a time when clothes and people blend together as one, and people who excel in one thing have strong personalities that bring out the best in their clothes. That is the proper way to dress, and that is what the "dressing sense" is as well. It seems that there is also the power of persuasion. A few people told me this after the show. "I realized that looking good doesn't just mean what's on the outside."

- For designer Rei Kawakubo, what is the ideal image of a man?

People who look good in Comme des Garçons clothes. Specifically, the actors who appeared in this collection, such as John Lurie and Dennis Hopper, can also be considered ideal images.

- By the way, where does Ms. Kawakubo's creativity come from?

Now, what is a body? Actually, I don't really know myself. I rarely travel or go somewhere for research to generate ideas. Still, it is my destiny to open a collection twice a year, so ideas do come to me at that time. I guess inspiration comes from deep within me, because I am in the right mood at the right time.

- What do you think about the role of fashion designers in today's society as a whole?

I think that society as a whole still does not understand the true meaning of "fashion". However, I do think that recently there has been less of a tendency to neglect fashion. Still, some people seem to think superficially that if something is "fashion" then it can be used successfully as commercialism. In that sense, I must continue my work not only to create clothes, but also to deepen the role of fashion in society.

- One last stupid question. Is fashion a business or an art?

I now do fashion purely as a means of business. However, whether the resulting product is considered art or not, it depends on the audience, so it cannot be denied that fashion is also built on the back of numbers. However, it is not enough to simply create something to wear. By borrowing clothes, I actually want to explore my state of mind. This is where I am always troubled.


John Cale: Principle of Simplicity

October 1991

Interview by Atsuko Kawaguchi
Photography by Hisashi Shimizu


山本耀司と川久保玲のジョイント・ショー「6・1 THE MEN」にワイズのモデルとして参加したジョン・ケール。彼と耀司が共有するスタイル哲学とは何なのか。

John Cale: "There must have been a lot of effort put into the simplicity of Yohji's clothes."

John Cale participated in Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo's joint show "6·1 THE MEN" as a model for Y’s. What style philosophy does he and Yohji share?




















From classical music, experimental music, and his work with the Velvet Underground, to his various collaborations after becoming independent, to his operatic compositions, John Cale is constantly discovering new ideas through the collision of different styles. He has been exploring the possibilities of expression. It is said that he dared to accept the discomfort as a healthy state. Such a stoic attitude is appetizing. This is certainly in line with the attitude of Yohji Yamamoto, with whom he finds great sympathy.

- What kind of things did you gain from participating in this collection?

John Cale (hereinafter referred to as JC)
For one thing, I was able to come back to Japan, which always fascinates me. But most important of all, I think, was the fact that Yohji (Yohji Yamamoto) was able to gather so many musicians and create a place where something unexpected could happen. Tonight, too, by the time the second show ends at around 8 p.m., there will be a kind of anarchy on stage, free from any kind of control. Everyone on the scene must share the tension that supports this situation. Or the process of slowly rising to such a state. That's what I'm really looking forward to.

- The Paris show was held right after the Gulf War broke out (February 3, 1991). Was there anything influenced by this timing? I heard that the finale was a big chorus of “We Shall Overcome”?

It didn’t matter to me. In any case, the war itself smelled terribly phony. The news was so blatantly manipulated. The U.S. is a nation that wants a bank, and Kuwait is a nation that wants a bank, so it would be better if they could unite—that joke ended up being a big hit in the U.S. Paying attention to such a war and being incorporated into its operational mechanisms seemed to me to be sacrificing one's own intelligence, and it bothered me deeply. So I thought I had no choice but to remain indifferent. Under such circumstances, I find it surprising that people say that the show had more of a protest meaning than necessary. It will also be used as an operational mechanism. On the other hand, it was foreseeable that opinions that it would be imprudent to hold the show would pop out from among the false anti-war gestures. It's a very common reaction. In any case, I think it's possible to change the world through fashion, but it's wrong no matter where you stand to turn it into a propaganda tool. I think it's as bad as the role that radio and television played during that war.

- You said that you appeared in the collection because you had admired Yoji Yamamoto's work for some time, but what is it about him that appeals to you?

I'm not familiar with his design process, but from what I see as a result, a lot of skill and attention is put into every detail. The so-called tidy clothes, which are the opposite of gorgeous clothes, are extremely cut-down clothes. Taken to an extreme, it might look like simple clothing. But a great deal must have gone into achieving this brevity and simplicity. I think we can see a kind of mystery in the simplicity that comes from abundance. Plus, I really like formal things. In that sense, I think I'm drawn to the way he handles fashion, which somehow reminds me of an architect. Along with how to create something that looks natural by having precise parameters.

- Isn't there a destructive element, such as getting something by scraping it off, or breaking something in the process of building it, and creating something by destroying it?

Yes, I really like that aspect of his work. For example, I felt it in this show. Most of the performers were musicians. As time passes and the environment changes, this species' tendency to become looser is reflected in the fashion of simply showing off their clothes. He uses it to make the show more of a performance than a show. In other words, at the stage when a certain flow has been established and a shape has taken form, at the very end, he tries to incorporate small changes. Rather than presenting the show as it is, he incorporates elements that would otherwise break it up at the last minute, creating something more vibrant.

- Are there any similarities in your own creative activities?

I'm currently working on an opera-like piece that will be performed in theaters. I am planning to perform a 15-minute piece based on "Orphée" at a festival in Europe this summer. I'm also thinking of expanding it to a 30-minute or 2-hour version. I think I've changed a little over the past 5 years while working on these projects. At first, I was bewildered by the unpredictability of the process of creating something new by combining elements of different styles and analyzing them until I found a common denominator, but I have been able to capture the unpredictable tension that emerges when you combine opposing things and have the audience emotionally share it with you. In a sense, I think there is a mysterious aspect to this work that is similar to that of Yohji's work, and the power and energy that he acquires in this process may also be common to his work.

- Is colliding different styles like a continuation of the encounter between a bat umbrella and a sewing machine?

Remember Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey." When the spaceship and the melody of "The Blue Danube" met, something third was created. I think it's much easier in a movie than on stage because you can control every step of the way.

- By the way, do you think clothing represents a person? In the case of rock musicians, on the other hand, it has often been the case that they use clothing to create a persona and create an image.

I think what a person wears definitely reflects a lot about the one who wears it. Some people may be more cautious about exposing themselves, though. In my case, I would say that clothing is a form of self-expression. Of course, there are strict boundaries between public and private. I'm a person who came from classical music, so I feel like I'm returning to a more stylized way of dressing. I am not so much a tuxedo person, though. But the most important thing for me is to be in a state where I can be unaware of what I am wearing. A state where I don't have to concentrate on anything in particular. The process of reaching this state will be reflected in my attitude toward my work.

- In the song "Trouble with Classicists" from "Songs for Drella" released with Lou Reed, there is a lyric that says "The trouble with personalities, they're too wrapped up in style." That album was dedicated to Andy Warhol. What do you think about Warhol?

That's what I wanted to say with those lyrics. How style hinders communication. People who are so concerned about the way they speak and the way they express themselves that they can no longer openly express their true thoughts and what they really want to say. I think it's better to just say it straight rather than trying to pretend it's true. Lou is very good at this. Andy was always confined to his style. They did not allow anyone to break through the glass shelter and sneak in. But I think the truth is that he had lost interest in the stylish things and events around him that he had set up. I had reached that stage. I was tired of style. I was completely bored.

- What about yourself? As an artist, how do you deal with your style becoming fashionable or trendy?

It's not that I don't think about it, but I'm not afraid of it either. I have always tried to put myself in a position where I can say that I am the only one doing something that no one else is doing. With that kind of stance, I was able to continue to maintain this stance without suffering much pain (laughs). Certainly, the more experience you gain, and the more you try to weave together various styles, the more you run the risk of becoming the style, or getting caught up in the style. I think this is a line that must be crossed no matter what. Because in collaborations like the one I'm doing, I have to let myself go, go with the flow, connect disparate things, and make use of what naturally arises from that. It can be painful to work side by side with people who are so far away from you. But I've been trying not to choose things that are too close together. I think it's important not to get too comfortable. I think it's healthy to constantly put yourself in a situation where you can overcome the discomfort.


Dennis Hopper: From One Foot to Another

October 1991

Interview by Atsuko Kawaguchi
Photography by Hisashi Shimizu



Dennis Hopper: "The great thing about Rei's clothes is that when you wear them, you can become whoever you want to be."

Dennis Hopper, who keeps running from the past to the future, strutted around the stage in Comme des Garçons clothes, demonstrating his overwhelming presence as both a model and a man.




















Escaping the hustle and bustle of the venue (Meiji Jingu swimming pool), where preparations were being made for the second show, the interview with Dennis Hopper was held next to the outdoor pool, which had no water. Just as he began speaking in a surprisingly gentle tone, a group of three men in bathing suits appeared out of nowhere. "It looks like they've come a long way since last summer," Hopper said with a laugh, which tends to give the impression that he, too, is a returnee from the 1960s [Out of the Sixties]. However, the true face of Hopper is more focused on the new generation than on the outlaw and troublemaker styles, and he lives in the present. He continues to move forward in a positive manner, maintaining the light footsteps he showed in this collection.

- As an actor, you haven't done any stage work so far, have you?

Dennis Hopper (hereinafter referred to as DH)
Yes, I learned acting in a theatrical environment, but since then I have avoided stage work as much as possible. I found theater to be too troublesome, and I loved movies more than anything. In that sense, participating in this show was a completely different experience than in front of the camera. You just have to feel good and have fun.

- It was a nice walk, which showed how much fun you were having. Did you have a specific staging for this kind of walk?

They taught me a lot about how to walk (laughs). Up until now, I was like a 3-month-old infant and could only crawl (laughs). No, seriously, you don't walk this hard in movies. Even from an acting standpoint, I don't think walking is necessarily my favorite subject. But it feels really good. You can also feel the audience's reaction directly.

- Besides, to be honest, I was surprised that you, who have always been known as an "enfant terrible" as an actor and filmmaker, would quietly take on the role of a model.

I never thought anyone would ever ask me to be a model (laughs). In fact, when I was offered the job, I was astonished when I saw the list of people who had been in previous shows. John Malkovich, Harry Dean (Stanton). They are known to be difficult people. I was also moved by the fact that the late Jean-Michel Basquiat and Julian Schnabel collaborated with Rei (Rei Kawakubo). Of course, I was also drawn to her clothes and the fact that she continues to try new things. I think the great thing about the clothes she designs is that when you wear them, you can become whoever you want to be. They say that clothes are a part of who you are, but to put it another way, your clothes are the expression of the personality you aspire to be. In that sense, her clothes are the best. It can be extremely elegant and create an eye-catching look. There is something funky about her work, something that defies convention and common sense, and I think that's what makes it so appealing. However, at the same time, it also has elements of sternness, nobility, and maturity—in a good sense. Take this outfit (see photo), for example. It's so flashy, I could be a drug dealer on the Champs-Elysées. It's like, "Mister, how about some hashish, I got the best stuff" (and then he demonstrates and laughs). But it is also possible to wear it elegantly. If you want to. In other words, I think it is Rei's work that values the individual and his independence, and by doing so, she herself acquires a self that is not enslaved by others.

- Did you think of a small story for your role for each piece of clothing you show on stage, as you just did? And are there some types of actors for whom the role they play is like a costume, and they just put on and take off the role?

After all, I am an actor trained at Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio. When it comes to acting, I'm trying to relive my emotions (laughs). I create feelings based on my own experiences. You can't just change roles like you change costumes. On that point, for this job, I didn't do anything like preparing for a role. I realized that models should just keep their heads empty and not think about things (laughs). They were dressed and sent to the stage. I just need to make sure I take every step. Well, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. That was also a new experience. In the case of acting, there are more complex elements involved. I can't help but enjoy it.

- Still, in your recent films, I think you are enjoying and playing around with the image associated with Dennis Hopper.

The place where I can enjoy things more honestly is not in the U.S., but here in Japan. This collection is a good example. If you do this in the U.S., people will wonder what the hell are you thinking. However, there is no such thing as a collection of this size and quality in the U.S., so there may not be any comparison. The position of fashion itself is completely different between Japan and the U.S.

- I believe that the reason why there is so much interest in fashion in Japan is because there is still a national tendency to be concerned about others and a feeling that one must be the same as others. Even if it's not as strong as it used to be, we can't ignore the trend. In that respect, don't Americans have the ability to be different from others?

But I think the younger generation of Japanese people are really starting to assert their own individual style in a spectacular way. It is true that they are particularly sensitive to fashion and spend a great deal of money on it. I also sense a strong American influence. The French are much more competitive, and they have even made their own style of drugstores. They love to hate the U.S. (laughs). In terms of Japanese influence, many of my American friends are practicing Zen. It's a remnant of the '60s. At that time, I myself only learned the poetic part of Zen.

- I tend to see Dennis Hopper as a representative of the 60s, is that annoying?

A lot (laughs). But okay. What do you want to hear?

- The power of the Sixties is fascinating both in the world of film and in the world of fashion. What is this power?

In the past, it was said that every 50 years things became valuable as antiques, but these days, I think it is every 30 years. We all have the desire to look back and examine the past. People who have reached a certain age are especially tempted to take a fresh look at the times in which they lived. This is now prevalent among all generations. And just as everyone looked back to the 50s in the 80s, in the 90s everyone began to look back to the 60s. It's basically a matter of order. However, in terms of this collection, there were elements of the 50s and even the 40s that were interesting to me. However, we have naturally learned to go back somewhere and reexamine the present. I think it's very natural. Not too long ago, everyone in the U.S. was desperately trying to get their hands on furniture from the 50s. Then it was the 60s, then the 70s, and then perhaps we will start looking back at the present, not at the past, but at the next century. In this way, I guess we will all continue to live as part of the human race.

- Have you ever felt that there is nothing you can do but look back? Creativity is saturated, there is no longer any possibility to create something new, so we have no choice but to look to the past for something new. I think you can look at it that way, right?

I don't think that's true. Creativity never goes away. It will live on. Of course, the 60s were a time of explosion. Many things were happening, not only in the United States, but all over the world. Coca-Cola bottles and soup cans were discovered with the idea of looking at something in everyday life. Instead of turning them into tiny fine art, they produced lithographs the size of billboards. Consumerism became art, and the street was brought into the gallery. Add in rock'n'roll and drugs, and the 60s experienced an explosion of creativity in all aspects. It's a momentum that can't be compared to any other era. The 70s were a total bust, and the 80s were no different, but that doesn't mean that the creative force itself disappeared. The power to create something has always been within us. We can look at what is happening in Spain right now. After a long period of oppression, a new movement of painting and art is gaining momentum. Just as in the U.S. we went through the heavy 50s, and after enduring the belligerent administration of Eisenhower and other clampdowns, it all exploded in the 60s. Now, it is Spain that is erroneously singing about the same sense of freedom and liberty that the U.S. had in the 1960s. Such a phenomenon happens somewhere in the world from time to time, just like the week-to-week cycle. As I get older, I see these mechanisms more clearly. Hopefully, in our children's time, this sense of seeing the world will be more prevalent. Anyway, I have a very positive view of the future. Better times are coming. But? Yes, there will be negative aspects. But I don't care about my style, for example, and I don't care what people think of me. When I was young, there were bohemians, then there were peatniks, and then hippies. Hippies have been replaced by yippies, and yippies have been replaced by yuppies. But the fact is that, in every generation, there are people who are not happy with the values that their parents represent, and they are willing to take a stand. In this context, I always want to listen to the music of the new generation, look at their paintings, and understand their fashion. I want to stay in touch with them, rather than going to faraway places. I don't want to be trapped in one style, one way of thinking. That is how we can enjoy each period of our lives.


Tokyo 1991

August 22, 2003
Ottmar Liebert Diary
by Ottmar Liebert

In 1991 the Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto, together with Comme des Garcons, was putting on the first men's fashion show in Japan and asked me to be one of his runway models. At the time Yohji prefered to use actors and musicians over models and he has also used athletes in the past. I flew to Tokyo from Los Angeles and was picked up at the airport and taken to a very nice hotel in Tokyo, which Frank Lloyd Wright had designed in the sixties.

The show took place in the olympic swim stadium of Tokyo, where the pool had been covered by a runway stage. On each end of the runway a huge wall was erected. Behind one wall Yamamoto was set up and behind the other wall Comme Des Garcons.

Comme Des Garcons: Dennis Hopper, Trumpet player Don Cherry and his son Eagle-Eye Cherry (a TV presenter in the UK and not yet the pop star), british actor Julian something or other, Keyboardist Morgan Fisher (who later produced the wonderful CD "Miniatures" to which I contributed a piece)...

Yohji Yamamoto: Charles Lloyd, Edgar Winter, a member of YMO (one of Japans most famous bands, which also featured Ryuichi Sakamoto)...

Yohji and his people treated everyone wonderfully. And then he made a mistake on the day of the show. Thinking we were all men instead of the stars some felt they were, he offered as part of the refreshments Japanese cans of beer. In Japan cans are tiny, they are cute and many of the guys probably thought that one couldn't possibly get drunk from drinking tiny cans of beer....well, if you drink a dozen of them you do get drunk, you know! And then a British pop singer asked a French rapper to turn down the crap on his boom-box and the French guy responded with his fist, which fractured the pop guy's jaw. While he was rushed to the hospital Yohji's people frantically searched for somebody who could wear his clothes.... In the end one of Yohji's French employees took his place and wore the clothes well. I felt terribly embarassed. Here we were in one of the great cities of the world, guests of a real artist, and these men had to get into a fight. What a way to repay Yohji's kindness! But fame is fleeting and karma instant.. I never heard from the British pop star and the French rapper again...

I remember how amazed we were at the Japanese audience. Some had waited since the early morning hours and yet, when the doors opened the first in line went to the last seat instead of claiming the best seat in the house. It was almost biblical....

One thing I remember about the show itself is that Yohji, who is a guitarist himself and also produced the soundtrack, had installed sound triggers along the runway. We were invited to step on those triggers, each of which controlled a different sound that would blast over the music. Car crashes, industrial sounds, drum breaks, glass breaking, guitar riffs etc...I also remember that the Brit who was walking ahead of me was drunk or high or both and thought that the crowd's enthusiasm was directed at him instead of the clothing...I remember three or four people helping me change into the next outfit, grabbing shirts, pulling on shoes...I remember the late Don Cherry walking around on the runway like a court jester and greeting the other Comme Des Garcons walkers...to be continued


6·1 THE MEN: Comme des Garçons & Yohji Yamamoto

February 15, 2012
Pen No.307

日本のメンズファッションショーの金字塔「6·1 THE MEN」。外見も活動内容も、個性的な男たちを舞台に登場させた。

Landmark Japanese menswear fashion show "6·1 THE MEN." Men with unique personalities appeared on stage, both in appearance and activities.



コム デ ギャルソンがヨウジヤマモトとメンズコレクションを東京で共催したのは、91年。ギャルソンはいまは亡きデニス・ホッパーや俳優のジュリアン・サンズらをモデルとして登場させ、現実に生きる男の服だと無言の宣言をした。新しいことへの挑戦ーーここにも川久保の原点が貫かれている。

A behind-the-scenes look at the legendary show.

It looks cool even now!

Comme des Garçons co-hosted a men's collection with Yohji Yamamoto in Tokyo in 1991. Garçon employed the late Dennis Hopper and actor Julian Sands as models, silently proclaiming that it was the clothes for real men. Taking on new challenges—Kawakubo's origins are reflected here as well.


The venue erupted when Dennis Hopper, director and actor of the masterpiece "Eazy Rider" (1969), appeared.


Backstage. The one in the hat facing back is Don Cherry (above). If you look closely, you can see John Lurie and Julian Sands.


Jazz trumpeter Don Cherry (right) and musician Eagle-Eye Cherry also participated.


写真提供:コム デ ギャルソン

This was the first show where all models were amateurs. Actors, musicians, artists… men with various talents appeared. Among the Japanese, bag designer Katsuyuki Yoshida and Hollywood Ranch Market's Gen Tarumi were seen. The autographs above are valuable handwritten notes from the participants.

Photo provided by: Comme des Garçons

現代美術作家のエド・ルシェ(中央)。 右はフランス人俳優のトム・ノベンバー。

Contemporary artist Edward Ruscha (center). On the right is French actor Tom November.


John Lurie came into the limelight with the movie "Stranger Than Paradise" (1984). Currently working as a painter.

コム デ ギャルソンのショーは、ジョン・ルーリーがひとりハーモニカを吹きながら登場して始まった。

The Comme des Garçons show began with John Lurie appearing alone playing the harmonica.